Holidaying with kids
Lot ist 29 Jahre alt, Mutter von Isabel (2013), Lucas (2015) und Kiki (2018) und seit sieben Jahren mit Philip verheiratet. Er ist oft geschäftlich unterwegs, sie ist da für die Kinder und leitet außerdem zusammen mit ihrer Kollegin eine Ballettschule. Speziell für Noppies schreibt Lot, wie sie Ihr Muttersein empfindet. Das Thema in diesem Blog? Im Urlaub mit Kindern – hier sollte man dran denken!
Es ist schon fast wieder Ferienzeit! Ich muss gestehen, dass wir immer noch keine Ahnung haben, was wir diesen Sommer machen wollen. Zum Glück bin ich mittlerweile ein As im Kofferpacken in letzter Minute. Lauflernwagen mit durch den Zoll? Oder ein Spielhaus auf dem Autodach? Wohl eher nicht! Daher dürfen meine Kinder ihren Koffer jedes Jahr selber packen – um Enttäuschungen zu vermeiden. Gerade groß genug, damit sie ihre Lieblingskuscheltiere und -outfits einpacken können und klein genug, um nicht wie ein Packesel am Urlaubsziel anzukommen.
Lot is 29 years old, mother of Isabel (2013), Lucas (2015) and Kiki (2018) and married to Philip for seven years. He is often travelling for work, she is there for the kids and also runs a ballet school with her colleague. Especially for Noppies, Lot writes how she experiences motherhood. The topic of this blog? Holidaying with kids – this is what you should remember!
The holiday period is around the corner! I have to say that we still have no idea what we are going to do this summer. Fortunately, I have now become something of an expert in last-minute packing. Taking walkers through customs? A playhouse on the roof of the car? I don’t think so! That is why my children are allowed to pack their own suitcase every year; to avoid disappointment. Big enough so they can pack their favourite cuddly toy and outfits and small enough not to reach the holiday destination packed like a mule.
Although the kids are allowed to pack their personal favourites, it goes without saying I also make sure that plenty of beautiful items make it into the suitcase as well. I love matching sets and I always pack them together. The advantage of this is that you have everything lying together and don't have to dig through your suitcase with one hand in search of 'that one pair of trousers matching that one particular shirt'. Create stacked sets! Trousers + shirt + bodysuit + socks. I always make sure to pack clothes that are nice and soft as well as light and airy.
In addition to all regular holiday items, these are the must-haves when you are holidaying with kids:
A large hydrophilic cloth. Ideal for just about everything... against the sun, as a blanket and as a towel
Swimwear! For the two oldest children preferably combined with a UV shirt. So, if they do play in the sun, I am a little less worried
Sun hats
Bath cape for the baby
Mosquito nets for the baby beds
Your child’s special and irreplaceable cuddly toy. Don’t forget!
SOS bracelets with your phone number inside. Just in case.
Stain remover. So you can safe your fun outfits and remove stains from leaking ice creams or exploding diapers
Now, what really is great fun to do besides enjoying your family? Here are some inspirational ideas for your holiday:
Do you have an old digital camera lying around that is not that important to you? Give it to your little one as a holiday camera and take time to view the photos when you are back home.
Make a holiday souvenir booklet in which you write down each night what your child liked the very-very-most that day. I’ll guarantee you love to read it again when they are 16!
Just do what the kids want for a day and enjoy breakfast with cake or dinner with only ice cream.
Send hand-written cards or drawings to the Netherlands.
Watch the sunrise or sunset with your baby and/or kids. Impressive and educational family time! All cuddled up in a blanket, maybe even with something of a breakfast/picnic when the sun has just come up.
Packing with kids can prove to be somewhat of a challenge. You try to remember to bring everything you need, but of course it can happen that despite your list(s) - and in my case also a three hundred or so post-its - you have forgotten something nonetheless. Well... so what? As long as you do not forget the passports, there is nothing much to worry about. Make it a special occasion, relax and enjoy packing. Because, the greatest reassurance of all is: everything you have forgotten is likely to be sold there too! Except for your child's favourite cuddly toy, of course...