Guide: sleepingbag
Sleeping bag guide
Why opt for a Noppies Baby Comfort sleeping bag
Allow your little one to dream away in a Noppies Baby Comfort sleeping bag! Soft, functional, with a TOG value and also incredibly handy for when you’re out and about with your baby.
A baby sleeping bag: from when?
You undoubtedly started off with a lovely blanket and matching sheet, but a sleeping bag will just feel that little bit safer now your little one is starting to move around a little more. This is now simply the perfect moment and you just want to get it sorted straight away! OK mum or dad, you got this!!
Let’s start with the size:
We work with different sizes than clothing sizes at Noppies Baby Comfort. The sleeping bag is suitable for several (baby) lengths, as the press studs at the sleeping bag’s armholes mean you can adjust it in line with your baby’s upper body.
What to pay attention to when buying a baby sleeping bag

1. Comfort
In addition to the fact that you're simply looking for a nice sleeping bag, a little bit of comfort certainly wouldn’t go amiss either. Let’s be honest, the ‘sleeping’ phenomenon is obviously quite a topic during the day!
2. Closure sleeping bags
We have opted for an L-shaped zip fastener for our sleeping bags. This will allow you to easily unzip the sleeping bag just at the bottom for a quick nappy change, or to undo the seatbelts.
The sleeping bag’s round shape also has numerous advantages:
- Your little one will have plenty of freedom to move around freely.
- The fabric falls over the legs, so no more wrestling to keep everything in the sleeping bag when you’re ready to zip it up.
- They will give those little legs all the room they need for a natural and healthy hip position.
3. Sustainable materials
The sleeping bag is often in direct contact with your baby’s pure skin. For those who love their lie-ins, but also for those little ones who do nothing but wriggle around, the Noppies Baby Comfort sleeping bags are therefore made from sustainable materials. Breathable and extra soft on the skin.
4. Suitable for the car seat
When you’re heading out, it would obviously be ideal if your little one can continue sleeping and you can take your baby complete with his or her sleeping bag and Maxi-Cosi. The Noppies Baby Comfort sleeping bags are suitable for 3 and 3/5 point seatbelts.
5. A sleeping bag with a TOG value
It’s quite difficult for a baby to control his or her own body temperature, especially in those very early days and parents sometimes have quite a job finding out about their baby’s exact needs. The TOG values will allow you to always be well prepared.
The TOG value indicates how much heat the sleeping bag will retain. The higher the TOG value, the denser the fabric and therefore the less of your baby’s body heat will be able to escape. Have you lost the information? Then scan the handy QR code inside the actual sleeping bag and then you can quickly check your mobile for what you should be dressing your baby in.
TOG of 1.0 to 3.0
Baby sleeping bag summer TOG 1.0
Our Noppies Baby Comfort summer sleeping bags with a TOG value of 1.0 are perfect for using with a room temperature of between 18°C and 24°C.
Baby sleeping bag summer TOG 1.5
Our Noppies Baby Comfort summer sleeping bags with a TOG value of 1.5 are perfect for using with a room temperature of between 16°C and 22°C.
Baby sleeping bag summer TOG 3.0
You can use our winter sleeping bag, which also features handy detachable sleeves, from 18°C. That’s because not every child likes sleeves. The TOG value is measured with sleeves, so we can be sure your child won’t get too hot in both cases and that our advice is safe.
Baby sleeping bag 4 seasons
A 4 seasons sleeping bag quite possibly doesn’t sound like the right term for newborn babies, but what we really mean to say is: we’ve got you covered at every temperature! And that can be quite practical, also to start with, when they may grow out of a sleeping bag a little bit quicker. They can keep the sleeping bag on a bit longer once they’re a little older, which means you’ll be able to enjoy it just as much!
The inner and outer bag of a 4 seasons sleeping bag can be used separately. The inner bag has a TOG value of 1.0, the outer bag 3.0. If you’re using them at the same time, you will need to consider a TOG value of 3.5.
The TOG table will help you on your way, but do be aware of the fact there may sometimes be circumstances which means you need to deviate from the table somewhat. You will therefore regularly need to check for any possible heat build-up. You can check this by feeling the back of your baby’s neck with the back of your hand. Does he or she feel a little clammy? Then take off a layer.
How can you use the sleeping bag, or secure it in the Maxi-Cosi
Curious about how to use a Noppies Baby Comfort sleeping bag? We’ll show you how in this handy video!
And would you like to read more about it too? Then click here.